By: Douglas Southall Freeman
Charles Scibner's Sons, 1934
I will not deny that I was dreading this read, but I am happy to say that Freeman's biography of Robert E. Lee was one of the most enjoyable early-Pulitzer biographies that I have read. I had to get the 4-volume set through interlibrary loan and, so, had only a very limited time with it. I managed to get through 2 of the volumes before the due date and was truly sad that I had to turn it in before I could finish the other two.
As I read, I began to get the feeling that Freeman might be from the South. It is well known that Lee is idolized by many in the Southern states, even today. So, I was not surprise when, after reading the book, I looked and found that not only was Freeman a Virginian, but he was also the son of a Confederate soldier. The Wikipedia entry on Freeman states, "Freeman's treatments of the American Civil War are often cited as examples of the Lost Cause movement, emphasizing the glory and nobility of the Southern generals and the futility of their fight against the power of the North. While Freeman certainly does emphasize the nobility of Lee's character, he does not say that Lee made no mistakes, nor does he say that the North only won because of superior numbers." I must say that I agree with this. The writing is enjoyable and very informative. I also found that many things he stated fit with other books I have read on the Civil War from later years. But his background does mean that we should remember that the lenses through which he looks might be a bit rose-colored.